About AFA U Grade for Loose Figures

One Collector’s Commentary…

A very large problem in the STAR WARS vintage collecting community is trending (has been for awhile) and it’s a huge topic among STAR WARS message boards across the web.
The AFA “Loose U” grade. What is the ” Loose U” grade you ask? In a nutshell, it’s when a collector sends an unopened, carded figure to AFA and has AFA open the figure to grade it as a loose specimen. In principle, it’s sole purpose is that the figure should be in mint perfect condition, thus resulting in a very high grade.
AFA does this, but designates a “U” (uncirculated) tag on the grade slip encased with the loose figure. That’s fine except for one huge problem, you have now taken ONE MORE sealed, carded example out of existence and further creating a shortage in carded examples.
Some could even argue that, in fact large dealers or collector’s could, in theory have an agenda, in making their carded original figures worth more, by purposely thinning out the herd so to speak, actually manipulating the market, which in turn manipulates the prices.
Supply and demand right? Fewer sealed carded figures on the market, equals higher value for the remaining ones. Wouldn’t a “fair” or “just ok” condition card, but still sealed be alot more appealing than a figure that was purposely taken out of the 30+ yr old pack, and put into an UGLY (that’s right, UGLY!) plastic cube? The AFA “U” grade, and the people that submit them in that manner are destroying a big part of the STAR WARS vintage collectable market.

Luke X-Wing “U” Grade Untitled-1 copy Luke X-Wing in it’s original Awesomeness Untitled-2 copy

How can you help to stop this you might wonder. I personally will never buy an AFA figure with a “U” grade, and I’ve read on message boards a lot of other collectors that also have adapted that philosophy. If the secondary market trading slows down because of less demand, the prices will likely drop and thus the desire to submit more figures to be graded as a “U” loose figure will also stop. Collectors willing to spend their money on carded examples, even lower grade carded examples will help to change the trend. Personally I do buy low grade carded examples, because I’m willing to do my part to help preserve these items as they actually were. Don’t you remember seeing the beat up cards in the stores? The ones with a new hole punched in the top because the hang tab had been pulled off by a kid wanting to look at the card in the very back of the row. I think they have a place in the hobby, right along side the pristine examples!
How many sealed and carded original figures do you really think are still left? I don’t really know, but I guarantee every year that goes by, and the more new “U” graded figures AFA slaps on the market, at this rate you’ll be hard pressed to find any, especially any that are affordable!
Think about it guys, get ready to be paying $400 + for a sealed carded Weequay figure! And don’t even think about getting a popular figure like Luke, Leia, Vader etc. for less than $1000 because that’s the direction this is going if AFA doesn’t start refusing to open good vintage action figures!
Happy collecting and MTFBWY!

copyright 2011 Submitted by Curtis Dillon…Feel free to submit to us a rebuttal argument or to agree with Curtis.